Mac OS X 10.6: Snow Leopard


    • Pauline
    • August 30th, 2009

    Love to upgrade to Snow Leopard. But have to make sure it works with all the applications and drivers first.

    • admin
    • August 31st, 2009

    Adobe Creative Suite and Creative Suite 2 (CS1 and CS2) are not Universal software applications, just PowerPC – so they require the Rosetta emulation. Snow Leopard has Rosetta turned off by default, so CS1 and CS2 users require a Custom install of Snow Leopard.

    Other software reporting crashes and other errors include: Backup Bouncer, Books, Boxee, Butler, Camino, CheckPoint SecureClient, ClamXav, Cocktail, ConceptDraw Pro, DataBackup, Dave, Disc Inventory X, DiskWarrior 4.1, Electricsheep, Fallout II, Flip4Mac, Forklift, Fruit Menu, Google Gears, iStat Menus, iStumbler, Leopard Cache Cleaner, Leopard Cache Cleaner, Macromedia FreeHand MX 11.0.2, MailFX Pro, MenuMeters, Mirage, NodeToad, OneSwarm, PGP Desktop, Plex, Protector Suite, QuicKeys 4.0.3, RealVNC, Reader Notifier, Apple Server Admin 10.5.3, SmartScroll, Sonos 3.0, Sticky Windows, TinkerTool, TivoDesktop, Undercover, Vectorworks, WindowShadeX, WireTap Studio, and X-Lite.

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